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作者简介:Ronald C. Haslam,是移美国移民律师协会资深会员,美国注册律师,杨百翰大学法学博士(JD),杨百翰大学工商管理硕士(MBA)。



A new bill, submitted by Senators Grassley and Leahy, seeks to promote and reform foreign capital investment and job creation in American communities. It is a bill which means it is not a law as of yet, and could still be passed, modified or even denied. However, since the bill was submitted by two of the Senate’s prominent members, it is likely to be passed in so form by September 30, 2015.

In addition to proposed standards and measures regulating of regional centers, the bill would also institute changes that would directly affect the EB-5 program investors. There most certainly will be an increase in the minimum amount of capital for investments in Targeted Employment Areas from 敬500,000 to 骁800,000 and for investments outside of Targeted Employment Areas from 笙1,000,000 to 旃1,200,000. This change will likely take effect in September 2015.

In regards to job creation, the bill would the ability to use indirect jobs towards the overall job creation requirement would be become more restricted. The creation of direct jobs, which is what CP Homes projects create, appears to be favored in the bill.

The bill also proposes changes to the potential sources of EB-5 funds acceptable to USCIS. In the bill only immediate family members, such as parents, grandparents, siblings or spouses, could gift money to the EB-5 investor. In another proposal, the bill would place limits the funds originating from a loan. Only banks or other approved financial institutions could lend money that the investor uses for his EB-5 investment.

If by chance that this bill or any other bill fails to get passed than the regional center program would get cancelled. As an immediate consequence of this, a majority of the currently pending I-526 petitions would be denied and the petitioners would lose their place in line. As a result, those who submit I-526 without regional center sponsorship before the bill gets denied would go to the front of line.

The bill will either fail or get passed by September 30, 2015. If it passes, you will have to pay more to participate in the EB-5 program. If it fails and you’d already invested in CP Homes, you’d be able to get to the front of the EB-5 visa line much much sooner. Don’t wait. Invest now.

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