


user interface

已有 556 次阅读  2011-10-14 09:17   标签interface  style  other  users 
and the information pollution is serious; On the other hand, the masses of users, namely the information, face so vast demanders sea of information, can't quickly the information needed to get himself, to get information retrieval and low efficiency of feel helpless. To solve the contradiction between them, to provide a convenient access to information anWoolrich Parkad method, it is the most effective library, method, is will network information resources into the library service, and carry on the cataloguing of management. Web 1.2 is a big in digital information, users will want to quickly and accurately to the required information retrieval, they need a agencies to undertake the sequence of network information. AtWoolrich Jackets present, the network search for the purpose of the appearance of the search engine (such as foreign Yahoo, infoseek altavista, domestic netease and sohu, etc), though, in the vast multitude of network resources play a certain role of navigation, because its way through the automatic is calling program in the Internet web page, then use selected fulltext Woolrich Arctic Parkaretrieval technology to automatically open the way for lexical index, set up the database as the foundation, this way retrieval of the shortcomings of the place is in the recall ratio is high, but the precision rate is low, and the lack of consistency in the user interface. A comparison of the retrieval of too many, sometimes even tens of thousands of artWoolrich Arctic Parkaicle, of which really useful information is not much. In this case, the library should play their professional advantage, to the library network information resource cataloguing have rich experience, and the application of network information resource in cataloging will play a wasted effort effect, the library on network resources selection, processing,Woolrich Online sorting, various kinds of information in the network for sorting, filtering, description, indexing, in order to search the way of valuable information to users, this is the use of network resources is one of the most effective way. 2. The feasibility of network information resource cataloguing Despite the rapid growth of the network information resouWoolrich Jassenrces has and great number, fluidity big, stability, the characteristics of small it with the network information resources, can still have a common such parables, all the Internet is like a huge library, each website is the different kinds of books, and each page is a page from books, the existence of the common, is to the cataloging network information tWoolrich Outleth

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