


全面解读:如何申请CFA证书及cfa 持证人身份辨别

已有 321 次阅读  2017-12-27 10:37


CFA正式会员不同于附属会员(affiliate membership),正式会员是被推荐的CFA考生并以申请成为CFA Charterholder为目的。

As a member of CFA Institute, you have embraced the highest standards in your profession. Are you ready to make an impact?




如仅需查询持证人信息,勾选【CFA Charterholders Only】即可。

进入查询页面,输入欲查询持证人的Given Name (First Name)和Family Name (Last Name),就可以查到该持证人的基本信息。







When you apply for regular CFA Institute membership, you will be asked to attest that your work experience meets the following qualifications.


a. 评估或应用金融财务,经济,或统计数据为投资运作提供决策;涉及证券或类似的投资工作(例如公开上市和私募股票、债券、抵押贷款及其衍生品;基于有价商品的衍生品和共同基金;商品和其他投资资产,如房地产和大宗商品,多元化的投资组合,有价证券的投资组合等)。

b. 从事于或参与到投资产品设计,为其提供专业的有价值的信息,直接参与投资决策过程或者为投资决策过程提供支持等相关工作

c. 监督、管理或指导;亦或直接或间接执行操作投资活动;



2. 如何描述工作经验:

a. 提交协会认可的工作岗位名称;

b. 除工作职位外,还需要提交所负责的具体工作细节;

c. 在提交的每个协会认可的工作职位需要写明申请人的职责范围;

d. 申请者需要保留申请材料的备份,以便在申请材料提交至协会前可及时更新!



At least four years (48 months) of experience in:

Evaluating or applying financial, economic, and/or statistical data as part of the investment decision-making process involving securities or similar investments (e.g., publicly traded and privately placed stocks, bonds, and mortgages and their derivatives; commodity-based derivatives and mutual funds; and other investment assets, such as real estate and commodities, if these are held as part of a diversified, securities-oriented investment portfolio).

Supervising, directly or indirectly, persons who practice these activities.

Teaching such activities.

For a job position to qualify, at least 50% of your time should be spent directly involved in the investment decision-making process or producing a work product that informs or adds value to that process. Work must be full time and can be earned before, during, or after participation in the CFA Program. Managing your own investments or the investments of your family or friends (without compensation) does not qualify.


1 Client Service Representative or Relationship Manager

CFAI(CFA Institute,the same below) Description: "Responsible for all activities related to investment firm client service, including: communicating investment performance and strategy to clients and serving as a lesson between client and portfolio manager."

2 Compliance Analyst or Compliance Officer

CFAI Description: "Responsible for ensuring investment firm’s adherence to applicable laws, regulations and professional standards of practice."

3 Investment Consultant

CFAI Description: "Provides investment consulting services, including developing investment policy statements; formulating and delivering investment reviews, conducting asset allocation studies, managing client relationships; monitoring investment performance."

4Corporate Chief Financial Officer

CFAI Description: "Responsible for determining structure and funding needs through equity, debt, and alternative investments; evaluating financial fundamentals, and making capital investment decisions."

5 Corporate Finance Analyst

CFAI Description: "Analyze financial fundamentals and capital needs for ongoing corporate operations and/or new projects; conduct long range financial planning; analyze and value possible mergers and acquisitions, asset sales and capital investment decisions. Determine and recommend funding strategies through various security or financing options."

6 Investment Banking Analyst

CFAI Description: "Analyze and value securities for public offering; target and value mergers and acquisitions for corporate clients."

7 Derivatives Analyst

CFAI Description: "Formulate strategies and valuations for derivative securities."

8 Economist

CFAI Description: "Develop economic outlooks to be used in the formulation of investment strategies and portfolio structuring."

9 Institutional Sales Professional or Business Development

CFAI Description: "Cultivate new business opportunities by marketing investment products to institutional investors. Execute trades and convey research of securities and strategies to institutional investors."

10 Investment Strategist

CFAI Description: "Apply investment knowledge to develop and analyze investment strategies designed to achieve investor goals as part of the overall investment process."

11 Portfolio Manager

CFAI Description: "Manage clients’ investment portfolios. Responsible for investment decision-making, including security selection, industry/sector selection and portfolio construction."

12 Private Client Investment Advisor

CFAI Description: "Manage portfolios of high net-worth clients. Identify investor objectives and develop investment policies. Manage client relationships."

13 Professor/Instructor

CFAI Description: "Academic, full-time professor or instructor at a college or university teaching investments, finance and/or economics. Other “business” course instruction does not qualify for the award of the CFA Charter."

14 Quantitative Investment or Risk Analyst

CFAI Description: "Conduct quantitative research and/or performance attribution analysis to assist portfolio managers and traders with investment decisions and risk management. Supply portfolio managers with analytical tools needed for portfolio management."

15 Real Estate Investment Manager

CFAI Description: "In the context of diversified securities portfolios, specialize in the management of real estate investments, including, developing investment policies and monitoring performance."

16 Regulator/Supervisor of Investment Firm

CFAI Description: "Oversee legal/regulatory compliance matters, perform due diligence and ensure firm compliance with all applicable federal securities laws, state statutes, regulatory agencies, and investment laws. Review and maintain investment contracts, registration statements, regulatory filings and documents."

17 Security/Investment Analyst

CFAI Description: "Analyze, value, and recommend securities in one or more asset classes (equity, fixed income, alternative investments, or derivatives)."

18 Securities Trader

CFAI Description: "Execute buy and sell transactions in investment securities. Develop and disseminate information about markets and the trading environment to securities dealers and portfolio managers."

19 Valuator of Closely Held Business

CFAI Description: "Value business/company/corporation where stock is thinly traded (or privately held) and for which the market offers limited buyers/sellers. Analyze financial statements, accounting methods, capital budget projects, acquisitions and asset sales."

20 Venture Capital Analyst

CFAI Description: "Conduct market research and analysis to solicit/raise capital for equity or debt funding, mergers, capital leasing, acquisitions or divestitures."


We invite you to use the tools below to determine whether your work experience qualifies for CFA Institute regular membership and to prepare your application.





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