



已有 143 次阅读  2018-01-30 11:33




01 CFA考试规则概述

CFA考试规则概述CFA的官方网站上明文列出了13种有关考场纪律的事项,这些规定全部出自PCP即Professional Conduct Program这一部门,如果在考试中违纪被调查,PCP这三个字母将会让你刻骨铭心,因为即将的到来调查的漫长程度一定是你始料未及的。而且无论调查的结果如何,在以后每一年的职业操守评定上,对于是否曾涉及过调查的那一问上你永远都要勾选yes,就像一个抹不去记号一样永久的留在了你的身上。




从上图可以看出,CFA立案的案件当中,大部分被协会调查的案件均被判违规。例如,14年6月考试,一共调查902个疑似违规案件,其中898个案件侦查完毕,只有非常少的一部分被判为不违规(绿色部分:NoDiscinplinary Action),这意味着,超过90%的案件均判罚违规。2015年6月CFA考试违规事件也达到984件,惩罚严重与否姑且不提,这些考生的当年成绩作废,浪费了青春、和金钱,实在得不偿失。

02 CFA协会处理作弊方案




03 收到report邮件后怎么办?



I am level 1 candidate in Nanjing.

During the exam,I wrote my Chinese name on the ticket.

I did not know what I was thinking about,but I have never thought about cheating.I promised.

I felt sorry for what I have did.

I wondered whether my mistake would affect my score.

I really didn't mean it.

please forgive my mistake,cause I really didn't mean it.

Thank you.

【CFA Institute Customer Service的答复邮件】

Dear Sir or Madam,

We take your feedback very seriously and work to improve our global testing facilities based on the information we receive from our candidates.Unfortunately you have not provided enough information to ensure appropriate follow-up.Please respond to this message string and include your candidate ID number and any other specific identifying details you would like to include.

Warm regards.


My ID is XXX.My name is XXX.

I am level1 candidate.I have my exam in Nanjing.

In the afternoon exam,I was waiting for the exam begin on my seat.

I wrote my Chinese name on my ticket.

I just felt boring when I was waiting.

I really didn't know what I was thinking about at that time.

But I never thought about cheating.

I am really sorry for what I have done.

I work so hard for this,and I think I did a good job on the exam.

Please forgive my mistake.I felt sorry for this again.

Thank you.

【CFA Institute Customer Service发送至CFA Institute ID#XXX】


Thank you for contacting us.Given the nature of your experience on exam day,a proctor may have submitted a report to the Professional Conduct Program;therefore,an associate has forwarded your email to that group.A representative of the Professional Conduct Program will contact you if additional information isrequired.

Should you have additional questions or concerns,please contact us again.




I am XXX.I want to konw the result.I haven't got any email or letter.

It is mean no matter?I feel sorry again.

Please contact me as soon as possible.Thank you.

【CFA Institute的答复邮件】

Dear XXX,We have completed our review of all Violation Reports and exam tickets.If you have not received a letter from the Professional Conduct Program,we determined the writing on the ticket(while a violation of the examrules),did not require further action by the Professional Conduct Program.


最终考生收到了CFA的答复邮件,一切尘埃落定!最后,希望大家都能PASS CFA!

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