CFA道德理论| CFA一级考试科目介绍+习题讲解
已有 454 次阅读 2018-10-10 11:041、CFA道德伦理概述
① CFA道德伦理标准(Codeof Ethics)
② 七大专业行为准则(Standardsof Professional Conduct)
除此之外,一二级考生也需要学习和掌握全球投资业绩标准(Global InvestmentPresentation Standards);三级考生则还需要掌握资产管理准则 (Codeof Asset management)
在CFA一级的考试中道德伦理部分占比15%,仅次于财务报告与分析 (FinancialReport Analysis)的20%。其他占比较高的部分则是数量分析 (QuantitativeMethods)12%, 经济学(Economics)10%, 股权投资(Equity Investment)10%,固定收益证券(Fixed Income)10%。
CFA协会对于伦理到部分的考察在于考生是否能够理解,解释伦理道德和专业行为准则,并且是否熟悉CFA协会伦理手册(Standards ofPractice Handbook 11thedition)里每一条标准下的具体行为的要求,是否能将其要求和指南应用在具体的实际案例当中。
CFA一级的考试形式均为三选一的单项选择题。每道题之间互相独立, 与二级和三级的考试形式不同。
① 概念题(直接提问有关某一条准则下的具体行为要求或着推荐的处事方式);
② 小案例分析(给出一个简短的案例考察考生是否能够发现案例中违背CFA道德伦理和准则的行为,以及应当如何妥当地处置)。
Thestandard regarding suitability most likely requires that:
A. An advisor must analyze an investment’s suitability for the client prior to recommending or acting on the investment.
B. A member or candidate must decline to carry out an unsolicited transaction that she believes is unsuitable for the client.
C. When managing a fund to an index, a manager who is evaluating potential investments must consider their suitability for the fund’s shareholders.
Answer: A
ConnieFletcher, CFA, works for a small money management firm thatspecializes in pension accounts. Recently, a friend asked her to actas an unpaid volunteer manager for the city’s street sweep pensionfund. As part of the position, the cit would grant her a free parkingspace in front of her down town office. Before she accepts, sheshould most appropriately:
A. Do nothing because this is a volunteer position.
B. Inform her current clients in writing and discuss the offer with her employer.
C. Disclose the details of the position to her employer and obtain written permission from her employer.
Answer: C
鉴于学习笔记上有些解释和例子归纳的并不详尽,学有余力的情况下, 建议参考伦理手册和官方教材,加深理解。
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