


library science

已有 478 次阅读  2011-10-14 09:02   标签library  science  style  books 
t, I just reflected "books and books" theory, and the true "library science theory" or "principle" in ko, its in the system of the was not to be. From the entire system, subject to the lack of internal logical relationship between, is messy, some subjects should not belong to the library science system, such as "the development of western literature", "weWoolrich Arctic Parkastern science", "the trade", etc. The appended drawings Figure 3, 1931 ko its proposed library science system LiuGuoJun of library science system The famous scholars LiuGuoJun (1898-1980) published in 1934 the library science message "(zhong edition, 1949 reprint) a book. He LiYan "in" wrote in the writing of the book "the purpose Woolrich Arctic Parkais to explain the principle of library science theory, lay particular stress on elucidating". In the book he put forward books, personnel, equipment and methods is a library of four factors were discussed respectively, the four elements will be all kinds of specialized knowledge. He to constitute a library of the four key elements as the basis, puts forwaWoolrich Jassenrd the library science system (see chart 4). The LiuGuoJun library science system, attempts to library four factors decomposition, mining, set up all kinds of specialized knowledge, thus expanding library science study of space. The system structure, meticulous logic strong, distinct, and of the library science system is more close to in the library sWoolrich Outletcience research object library the actual, more academic, scientific. Deficiency is book learning theory in the system have no obvious due status, although liu up to "library" theory with the comparatively fully understanding, in the system structure on in various subjects also reflected, but not as a categories list, make the person feels this system is Woolrich Onlinestill not perfect. The appended drawings Figure 4 LiuGuoJun forward library science system LiJing new library science system In June 1935, the mandarin school library science quarterly publication no. 7 LiJing published the second phase of the new library science can into a independent scientific?" Penny, the article discusses the Woolrich Parkascope of library science, think of library science subject system mainly consists of both, namely "the history of library science" and "system of library science" (see chart 5). LiJing new library science system is the most abundant content 19 century, the most comprehensive, the system of library science system, is also more standard system, it has bWoolrich Jacketse

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